Comprehensive Guide to Kotlin’s Any, Unit, and Nothing Explained

6 min read
May 27, 2024

Kotlin introduces some distinct types that may be unfamiliar to developers with a Java background. In this blog, we will delve into three such types: Any, Unit, and Nothing.


package kotlin
* The root of the Kotlin class hierarchy. Every Kotlin class has [Any] as a superclass.

public open class Any {
public open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
public open fun hashCode(): Int
public open fun toString(): String
  • The base of the class structure. Each Kotlin class is derived from Any.
  • Comparable to Object in Java.
  • There are three methods available for overriding: equals(), hashCode(), and toString(). That's why, when we override methods in any class, these three choices are frequently suggested by the IDE.
  • Non-nullable by default. When we want a variable to hold null, we use Any?.


fun printAny(value: Any?) {

fun main() {
printAny("Hello, World!") // Prints: Hello, World!
printAny(123) // Prints: 123
//When decompiled, Any becomes Object in Java
public static final void printAny(@Nullable Object value) {
String var1 = String.valueOf(value);


package kotlin
* The type with only one value: the `Unit` object. This type corresponds to the `void` type in Java.

public object Unit {
override fun toString() = "kotlin.Unit"
  • Equivalent to void in Java but unlike void ,Unit is a genuine class with a single instance (singleton).
  • Illustrate a function that generates no significant output.
  • In Kotlin, when a return type is not specified for a function, the default return type is Unit.


fun printMessage(message: String): Unit { //There is no need to explicitly write Unit

fun main() {
printMessage("Hello, Unit!") // Prints: Hello, Unit!
//When decompiled, Unit becomes void in Java
public static final void printMessage(@NotNull String message) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(message, "message");

Example: Functional Type

fun runBlock(block: ()->Unit) {

fun main() {
runBlock { println("Here") } // Prints: Here

Here, () -> Unit represents a function type. The Unit signifies that this function type does not produce any significant output.

When specifying a function type, it is mandatory to include Unit.


package kotlin
* Nothing has no instances. You can use Nothing to represent "a value that never exists": for example,
* if a function has the return type of Nothing, it means that it never returns (always throws an exception).

public class Nothing private constructor()
  • Indicates that a function will not return a value under normal circumstances.
  • Subtype of all well-formed Kotlin types, including user-defined ones.
  • Utilized for operations that do not conclude, whether due to raising an exception or entering a never-ending loop.
  • It is impossible to instantiate Nothing, and no class can extend or derive from it.
  • Functions that have a return type of Nothing don't return any value, not even the default return type Unit.
  • Using the Nothing return type in Kotlin helps prevent bugs by indicating that certain functions do not return. When a function with Nothing as its return type is called, the compiler recognizes that it won't continue past this point and provides an Unreachable code warning.


fun fail(message: String): Nothing {
throw IllegalArgumentException(message)

fun main() {
// This will throw an exception and never return normally
fail("This is an error!")
println("Hello") // Compiler gives warning "Unreachable code"
//When decompiled, Nothing becomes Void in Java
//Void is part of the java.lang package, acts as a reference to objects that wrap the Java primitive type void. It is uninstantiable.
public static final Void fail(@NotNull String message) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(message, "message");
throw (Throwable)(new IllegalArgumentException(message));

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